About GND News

Multilingual News Publisher Agency

GND News is a leading news publisher agency that provides up-to-date news and information in multiple languages including Hindi, English, and regional languages such as Uttar Pradesh News, Uttarakhand News, Jammu and Kashmir News, Delhi News, Punjab News, Mumbai News.

We strive to provide accurate and reliable news to our readers and believe in the motto “सच है तो दिखेगा” (if it’s true, it will show). Our team of experienced journalists and editors work tirelessly to bring you the latest news and insights from across the country and around the world.

Our website, gndnews.in, is updated regularly with breaking news and in-depth articles, and our social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter, provide real-time updates and engage with our readers.

For any inquiries or questions, please email us at [email protected].

Meet Our Founder

GND News was founded by Ajeet Saini, a seasoned journalist with years of experience in the field. Our office is located in Raipur Panchayat Bhawan, Kheri, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Under Ajeet’s leadership, GND News has established itself as a trusted source of news and information for readers across the country and around the world.

Our Mission

At GND News, our mission is to provide accurate and impartial news coverage to our readers. We believe that everyone has a right to access reliable and trustworthy information, and we strive to fulfill that need through our diverse range of news and content.

Our team of journalists and editors work tirelessly to bring you the latest news and insights, whether it’s breaking news or in-depth analysis. We also aim to showcase diverse perspectives and voices, and to provide a platform for underrepresented communities to share their stories.

Our Values

At GND News, we uphold the highest standards of journalism and are committed to ethical and responsible reporting. We believe in transparency, fairness, and impartiality in all that we do.

We also value the trust of our readers, and strive to maintain that trust by providing accurate, relevant, and timely information. Our team is dedicated to staying on the cutting edge of journalism and using technology to enhance our reporting and reach more people with the information they need.

Join Our Team

GND News is always looking for talented and passionate individuals to join our team. Whether you’re a seasoned journalist or just starting out, we welcome you to explore opportunities to work with us and make a difference in the world of news and information.

If you’re interested in a career at GND News, please email us at [email protected] with your resume and a cover letter, and we’ll be in touch to discuss potential opportunities.

Stay Connected

To stay up-to-date with the latest news and insights from GND News, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and visit our website at gndnews.in regularly.

Thank you for choosing GND News as your source for reliable and trustworthy news and information.

Contact Us

We value your feedback and would love to hear from you! Whether you have a news tip, a question, or just want to say hello, you can reach us at:

Email: [email protected]

Address: Office of Ajeet Saini, Raipur Panchayat Bhawan, Kheri, Uttar Pradesh, India.

We look forward to hearing from you and connecting with our readers and followers!

Our Coverage

GND News is a multilingual news publisher agency, providing news coverage in several Indian languages including:

  • Uttar Pradesh News
  • Uttarakhand News
  • Jammu and Kashmir News
  • Delhi News
  • Punjab News
  • Mumbai News

We are dedicated to providing our readers with the latest and most relevant news and information in their preferred language, and to fostering a sense of community and connection among our readers.

Tag Line:

“सच है तो दिखेगा” (The truth will be revealed). This tagline encapsulates our commitment to providing accurate and impartial news coverage, and to upholding the highest standards of journalism.

Editorial Independence

GND News is committed to editorial independence and upholding the highest standards of journalism. Our journalists and editors operate without fear or favor and are free from external influence or interference in their reporting.

We firmly believe in the importance of a free and independent press, and strive to uphold this principle in all that we do. Our goal is to provide accurate, relevant, and impartial news to our readers, and to serve as a trusted source of information in an ever-changing world.

Diversity and Inclusivity

GND News is committed to diversity and inclusivity in all aspects of our work, including our staffing, content, and coverage. We believe that diversity and inclusivity lead to better journalism and a more informed public, and we are dedicated to fostering a culture of respect and understanding within our organization and beyond.

We welcome and encourage people from all backgrounds and communities to join us as we work to bring you the latest news and insights, and to help make a difference in the world of journalism and information.